Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Who are these CP's I so often talk about???

When we first moved back to OH from TX, I was very lonely for friendship. Not that I didn't still have friends from my life in OH, but things were different. People grow up, they grow apart, they have their own lives. I felt alot like an outsider and sometimes I still do. My husband was working full time and I was pregnant with no car at home. Then came baby...My sweet little Tater Tot! He kept me occupied and really, I didn't have much time for friends then. As he got a little older and a little less needy, I got lonelier. We had friends and acquaintances at church, but at that time we didn't really spend time outside church with them. Its true that sometimes going home is the hardest place to go. Things are great now and Im so thankful for that, but at a time I pleaded with God for friendships, He answered in a way I never imagined. I joined a little online community called Cafemom...which is no longer little at all-its massive! Seems there are alot of moms out there who are lonely! Especially the SAHM's! (For those of you who don't know internet lingo, an SAHM is a Stay at home mom) Since I had asked the Lord specifically for friends that would not only be trustworthy, but would help me in my spiritual walk, he led me to join some Christian groups on the site. I found many many friends that even though Im no longer on Cafemom, I still keep in touch with. I love them! I have so many, It would take me 2 days to list them! And I pray for each and every one of these women that have touched my life. They ROCK! But there are the CP's! Crazy Princesses(daughters of the King!) Maybe a bit cheesy, but lucky for us, we like cheese! =) This is my very close knit group of sisters. We had our own little private group there and it has since moved to Facebook. Most of us have left Cafemom-cause guess put a million women in a pot and drama starts to boil over! lol Imagine that! My CP's and I are all Christians, all mothers, all wives, and all in need of sisterhood. Many of us have had the opportunity to meet in person. There are 10(including me) of us, I have met 4 of them in person. Husbands too. These women to me are the greatest answer to prayer as far as friends that I could have possibly asked for. How He knew what I needed is beyond me, but Im sooo blessed! So im going to introduce them to you one by one. I tried to make these short, but in all truth, they all deserve their own blog page. Just bare with me =)

The first that I met is Destiny...Des...she lives in San Antonio-how convenient is that!? This woman is so fun, so crazy and a true mom in every sense of the word. She amazes me at the love she has for her kiddos. Her faith, her prayers...she touched me so much when we met and before we parted ways for the day and then for the trip she prayed for me and with me. She loves just about everyone and everything she comes in contact with and she shows it! She loves her hubby, her parents, anyone who will let her love them and even those that dont let her! lol Her heart is THIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSS BIGGGGGGGG(arms stretched out far as they go) I love her so much! I can't wait to get to SA and see her again! I really think all us CP's should move to a cul de sac in SA and stay there forever...I mean TX is God's country =) She has 3 munchkins (2B, 1G)

CP #2, Our Mik! She could very well be the leader of the pack if we were a gang. LOL She has amazing leadership skills, so much talent in design, singing, writing...Her kids are her passion...homeschooling is her current career and I dont think she'd have it any other way right now. She's beautiful! She is a spit-fire and tells it like it is, which we all know I LOVE! Organized the first big meet among 4 of us in Cinci, and I was soooo blessed to get to spend a few days with her and her hubby. They are an awesome couple, doing whatever God would have them to do for His glory! (3 Boys for her)

And now we move to Diana. She is the creative mastermind in our group. The entrepreneur...the scrapbooker...the New Yorker =) And from what I can remember she hates to be called Diane, so don't do it! lol She is one of my weight loss inspirations! This girl has lost 100lbs on Weight Watchers! She is dedicated to her 2 little princesses and to her family in general. She takes others in when there is a need and inspires us all the put family high on the list of priorities, despite the battle! LOVE HER! (2G's)

Next I'll introduce Laura, sweet Laura! I don't think there is a woman Ive met recently with a more meek spirit than Miss Laura! She is shy and quiet and probably takes on more than any woman should, but all the while she praises the Lord! She is a true prayer warrior and one who truly seeks the Holy Spirit with her whole heart! I get so excited every time over the last few years that Laura has come out of her shell more. She has truly opened herself up into our sisterhood and Im so gratefull to call her my sister in Christ! As far as her addition to our group, she has to be one of the biggest encouragers we could ask for! We all need encouragement and Laura can bring it! (And God love her she has 5 BOYS!)

Theresa...aka T! Simply put...CRAZY! hehe This girl keeps us cracking up and on our toes and she loves to joke and play and have fun. I was shocked when we all met at how soft spoken and shy she was at first. Never would have guessed that in a million years! She is a strong woman with strong values in following her far as God, then husband. She is in school and learning more and more about the Bible everyday. She is a mom that gets up super early(like before I ever see the clock) to go work out(oh how I need that inspiration) before classes. She would do ANYTHING to protect her children. She sacrifices all the time for the sake of her family.(1G, 2B, 1SD)

Beckie (My Becks) This prayer warrior is by far my favorite version of Snow White ever! Yes that's right...this fabulous woman has given birth to 7 little punkins! And you see God in them because of the God they have seen thru her. It lights up my days to hear stories of how her kiddos fight the temptations of this world so they can be a light to others! She is certainly training them up in the way they should go. And her prayers...this woman can pray! I sure wish I had that gift. Im more of a scream and yell and cry and plead and laugh and talk to God like the regular old dork that I am. Becky gets in there and the prayers and tears and words just flow up to heaven as if its Christ truly speaking to the Father for her. I love her soooo much! She has blessed my life beyond measure! ok, lets see if I can get the kid count right! (4B's, 3G's)

Brie...aka MemawBrie, but my MamaBrie...she prides herself in the name of Memaw! Her grandbabies are her smile =) She is such a good one too! She is like My Mama of the group, probably to some of the others too. I am so blessed by her strength and her sharing with us the things that maybe she has already had to deal with in life and are now coming up in ours. She is one to not complain and sometimes holds back what she needs in her own life to help us or someone else in their struggles. She deserves so many roses! I just want to hug her so bad! Someday...someday. (3B's, 1G)

Emi...dearest Emi, Im a dope and thought I counted right...Emi is our Mulan! She is gorgeous and perky and sweet and lucky enough to have lived close to Laura for a short while. We were all so jealous they got to be together! She is constantly lifting us each up and I desperately long for the day that we all get to meet her an her cuties. She has a boy and a girl and they are AAAADOOOORRRRABLE!She has moved around alot since we met her and luckily we get to be with her each step of her journey. She is a true prayer warrior as and is fervently lifting us up when we request. She also has a comforting spirit that not many possess in this world. Im soooo blessed to have Mulan as my friend! You can smack me now for not having you on there when I edited, Im have problems when I dont use my fingers to count you all! Thank you

Last, but not least is Kara...thats pronounced Kaahhh-ruhhhh. Just pretend your Asian, you'll get it. ;) Greg that was for you buddy! Kara and I met and found all these weird things about each other that were eerily similar. I often wondered if we were separated at birth. Unfortunately for me she got to be the skinny twin. ;p She is probably what I'd say is my soul sister on earth. She's ridiculously OCD and she doesn't have my passion for purses and shopping, and for some odd reason she enjoys jumping out of planes, but there is soooo much more that makes her totally ROCK! Our hubbies get along fabulously as well. Of course we both married huge goofballs that are souled out for Jesus, so that helps. Dave is my Sarcastic Texan, Greg is her Silly Asian (or as he has named himself-Secret Asian Man). We both have 2 boys, we both grew up in Ohio(ughh), We both went to Bible College, we both married our best friends, we both hate dirt, Love our vacuums, love singing, love Stephen King, and want nothing but to serve our Lord, we also both want to adopt Korean girls. lol ...ok I could go on all day. Im so blessed for my wonderful sister EVEN IF she can eat a whole cake and it not go to her hips! JERK. lol Someday I will get her stubborn booty on a trip to Texas! BFF's!

So there you have besties, my CP's! Its no longer a mystery! Don't you wish you had your own secret society of crazy women? lol Its ok, be jealous! We pray for each other, laugh with each other, talk about things we can't talk to anyone else about and we truly throw ourselves down on our faces at the feet of God whenever one of us is in need of divine intervention. I'm sooo blessed and proud of my CP's!


JOHN MILLS said...

The Outlet has been a great venue for me to get to know and appreciate you better.

Jillie said...

Awww thanks! Id have to say the same about your blog as well. I guess sometimes 1500 miles helps people understand each other a little more than you would expect.

snowwhiteismyname said...

Awesome, Jillie!! You captured each of the girls perfectly!!!! ♥

InHisGrace316 said...

Then there is our Jillie-bean. She loves her guys so much, and is a fabulous Mommy to her kidlets and Wife to her hubbilicious!! She loves God and ministry, and isn't ashamed to say it to anyone! She gives freely of herself, even when she is hurting, and is never one to mince words. She can be a spitfire who tells it like it is, or goofball who likes cheesy shows like The Bachelor and GLEE!! She completes our merry band of Crazy Princesses, and I think each of us would agree that this little group of women was a total God-sent to each of us!

Thank you for this blog, Jill! Cafemom and CP came to each of us at a lonely time in our lives, and each of us was praying for friendship. It is a tangible example of how God hears and answers our prayers, even if the answer comes in a different form than we would expect. God is SO GOOD and FAITHFUL!! I'm thankful to have gotten to meet you, and can't WAIT for the long awaited CP-VACAY! Let's keep praying for it!!! God will answer it in his due time :)

I love you!

Unknown said...

i know them all but Kara and T and umm Laura and Diana.. I have you and Becks on my FB but would love to have the rest of them cause I sure need serious Christian partners on many days...I also left Cafe mom for the drama got a wee bit too much like high school...

Unknown said...

Jill, you are so sweet! And what Destiny wrote about you was SPOT ON! Could not have said it better myself! I love how much you love God, your kids and your hubbalicious. Love you!! XOXO

Unknown said...

Oh, and I agree wholeheartedly with what you said about the other girls! :)

Jillie said...

Thank you Des, you are so precious to me!

I love you girls so much!
And poor Emi, I left her paragraph on my desktop because I usually do a finger count, but got so excited to post this I missed one, I think I was counting myself? lol Anyways, I hope she forgives me and my lack of brain cells...she is now in her place above!

Theresa @ Just Call Me "T" said...

Oh Jill, you rock! Des, you said it with Jill's piece too. We love you Jill and I am so glad I got to meet you and your awesome family. You really did capture each one of us. I love my CP's! ♥♥♥

Mikayla Kayne said...

What glowing testimonies, Jill! I sure do love all my CP's! I am so thankful that God led me to the bosom of your friendship. (Uh huh. I said it.)