Thursday, September 30, 2010

What else do I need to know?

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know who holds the future,
And life is worth the living, just because HE LIVES!

Sometimes we float thru life and think there is really no purpose for us, no reason why we are here. Like everything is just chance. I suspect alot of the world feels this way. Especially those who do not know Christ. I feel that way now and then, and I DO know Him! I was reminded in the car after I picked up Cameron from kindergarten, about all I need to know to get thru the day to day. All I need to know is HE LIVES! He lives so I can live. He died so I can live! How amazing is our God? Every hair on your head, He has numbered. Every star in the sky, He scattered like marbles tossed on the floor. He saved my soul...and I live to tell others that HE LIVES. My REDEEMER LIVES!

Its up to me to tell people that He speaks and calms seas, He walks and moves mountains, He died in my sin so that I may have eternal life! He rose again to keep a promise! He's coming back and HE LOVES YOU & ME! HE LIVES! I'm sooo blessed to be His child! If you don't know Him, let me introduce you today! Jesus Christ is my personal Savior and He wants to be yours too! All He asks is that we confess with our mouthes to be sinners and to believe on Him that He died and rose again for you! He paid the ultimate price for you and me! All we have to do is accept the gift!