Monday, September 24, 2012

I'm no quitter...

This post is gonna be a little different. I usually use a Christian song, or one that could be spiritual, but today I'm just feeling like a fighter. Its the fire in me that God blessed me with that makes me not quit. For the past couple of years I have been building a home based business with the goal of someday having a storefront cupcakery. Cupcakes are my passion in the workforce. I LOVE making new flavors, I LOVE striving to have the best tasting, cutest, most chic cupcakes out there and I'm determined to someday be the Starbucks of the Cupcake world. Since I started out on this endeavor I have received a lot of doubts and criticism, even from some family members, close friends, and church family. That hurts way worse than any criticism from a stranger. It isn't that they don't think my product is good...they just seem to think I'm dreaming too big. I'm not rich, I realize that, And I'm going to have to bust my tail every step of the way to make this thing happen because I don't just have the money to throw down and open shop. But I'm determined! I LOVE what I do! I love my family, and I love the support my husband and kids have for me on this journey. I won't quit, and I won't fail. So people can keep their words and thoughts flying at me, its not gonna break me. When it comes to this part of my life, I'm bulletproof. My skin is thicker than the daggers thrown at my heart. My will is stronger than the defeat some may think is in my future. You can get me mad all you want, But I will just fight harder. And when the day comes that I'm standing in front of my storefront with a ginormous pair of scissors to cut that BIG HOT PINK BOW on opening day, this song will be playing for EVERYONE to hear! I AM TITANIUM!