Wednesday, April 21, 2010

"For even the very hairs of your head are all numbererd..."

Leave it to me to learn a lesson of patience one day and lose it the very next. Some things we just have to keep learning over and over and over. We are alot like Israel and their vicious cycle thru much of the old testament where they would trust God and be on top of the world one minute and then think they can handle things themselves the next. Guess what...they fell flat on their face. I fell again I'm getting myself back up and trusting that His plan...not mine, is right on schedule! Many of you know I'm on the job hunt...It's rough. Really rough. I have let the business world beat me down and tell me I'm not good for anything cause I've stayed home for 5 years with my kids. Well, who are they to tell me that? I'm the daughter of a KING! I don't need the business world's approval. He will put me where I belong. I'm setting out today with a new attitude about working again. I'm not going back to work taking any job that will have me, I'm waiting for the perfect job GOD wants me to have. No matter how long that takes. If He knows even the number of hairs on my head(with which curly hair changes OFTEN) lol, then He knows when and where that perfect job is, with the perfect schedule, perfect pay, perfect everything. This is me trusting HIM!

Thank you Lord for caring so much about every detail of my life!